Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Prince of Darkness - Bill's Weekly Column - Bill O'Reilly

The Prince of Darkness - Bill's Weekly Column - Bill O'Reilly

As you may know, but most Americans don't, George Soros is a driving force behind electing far-left prosecutors. He champions their insane soft on crime policies like "no bail" laws and failure to enforce criminal statutes at all.  If you follow the news, the situation is dire. Thousands of Americans have been killed in cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Philadelphia because violent criminals are often not prosecuted by corrupt DA's - many of whom received significant campaign donations from the Soros organizations.  So, while the radical leftist is railing against violent foreign leaders, his cash is fueling dangerous American streets. Whether it's open borders, massive intrusions from homeless drug addicts, demonizing the police, or a permissive view of narcotics, George Soros and his heavy wallet are on board the pain train.

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