Friday, March 18, 2022

U wonner wy Jonnee kant reed?-----Teachers union president misspells Ukraine on Twitter after posing with upside-down Ukrainian flag | Fox News

Teachers union president misspells Ukraine on Twitter after posing with upside-down Ukrainian flag | Fox News
  • The group also posted upside-down Ukrainian flags
"The nation’s largest union was involved in its third factually incorrect tweet of the week on Wednesday when the president of the American Federation of teachers incorrectly spelled "Ukraine."
"We #StandWithUkriane," American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten tweeted on Wednesday morning before deleting the tweet shortly after.
The American Federation of Teachers is an affiliate of the AFL-CIO.
  • The spelling mistake came as the AFT was slammed on social media for promoting a tweet where the Ukrainian flag was depicted upside down in a post that was also deleted...Read all!!

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