Friday, March 11, 2022

Why the bid to destroy the fossil fuel industry when past predictions of doom have been completely wrong? - American Thinker

Why the bid to destroy the fossil fuel industry when past predictions of doom have been completely wrong? - American Thinker

"News break: The Arctic ice in February was 5.64 million square miles, or 266,000 square miles below the average of 1981–1990.  

That is 95.5% of the average

In February 2022, temperatures at the 925 hPa level...(2 to 14 degrees Fahrenheit) above the 1981 to 2010 average along the Eurasian coast and across the central Arctic Ocean (Figure 2a). However, cool conditions prevailed over much of Canada and Baffin Bay; temperatures were generally...(4 to 13 degrees Fahrenheit) below average.

So much for the greenie predictions that it would be gone soon.  

It is not melting fast, nor gone.

Since temperatures were up a possible 14 degrees in one area of the Arctic and lower by as much as 13 degrees in another area, that shows there is no correlation among temperatures, fossil fuels, and CO2.  

The climate is and has always been cyclical...Read all.

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