Friday, March 18, 2022

Why is America OK with this?-----Election Manipulation Unmasked: NY Times Finally Admits Hunter Biden Emails Were Authentic, Not ‘Russian Disinformation’

Election Manipulation Unmasked: NY Times Finally Admits Hunter Biden Emails Were Authentic, Not ‘Russian Disinformation’
Prof. Jacobson: “Biden sold his VP office to enrich his family, it was the biggest story of the 2020 election, and the media, big tech, and Biden lied about it and covered it up – it made a difference in the outcome. Biden is President because of this manipulation and collusion.”
Undoubtedly one of the most shameful moments in the history of American journalism came in October 2020, when just a few weeks before the presidential election Joe Biden-supporting Democrats, media outlets including NPR, CNN, the WaPo, Politico, and others colluded with Big Tech to suppress the NY Post’s solid investigative reporting (backed up by additional reporting from the Daily Caller) on the Hunter Biden laptop and the emails that were contained on it that raised major concerns about influence peddling.
...Here are some examples of the media doing their part to debunk/suppress/falsely label the story...much here, read all!

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