Saturday, March 12, 2022

Without lies, they have no proof!-----'Wired' Promotes IPCC's Phony Crop Disaster As Harvests Set Records - Climate Change Dispatch

'Wired' Promotes IPCC's Phony Crop Disaster As Harvests Set Records - Climate Change Dispatch
  • A story in Wired claims climate change is harming crop yields. 
  • Nothing could be further from the truth.
"Wired’s story titled, “Climate Change Is Taking a Big Bite out of Our Food Supply,” references an alarming report issued by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) last week to claim climate change threatens global food supplies, trying to make the story relevant by shamelessly linking it to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine...
  • ...Citing the copious data compiled by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Climate Realism has published more than 120 stories over the past two years exposing claims that crop production is declining due to global warming as lies.
  • The articles, covering a range of crops and regions of the earth, tell a consistent story of higher production and improved yields.
  • Most recently, in a Climate Realism guest post, Willis Eisenbach thoroughly debunks the claim that warmer temperatures are harming crop production. Whereas the IPCC and Wired claim global warming has lowered production of the “big three” staple crops, corn, wheat, and rice, FAO data show just the opposite...Read all!
...Figure 1: Corn, Rice, and Wheat Production 1961-2020

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