Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Texas Man Offers Elon Musk 100 Acres of Land to Move Twitter HQ Out of San Francisco
FCC commissioner shoots down demand that government step in, block Elon Musk from buying Twitter: 'Absurd' - TheBlaze
Imagine the media outrage if Trump had planned similar?-----Biden's DHS Confirms Plans to Siphon Healthcare Services Away from Veterans to Illegal Aliens at Border
- President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has seemingly confirmed plans to siphon healthcare services away from American veterans treated at Veterans Affairs (VA) to illegal aliens arriving at the United States-Mexico border.
...Already, Americans are forced to subsidize medical care for illegal aliens to the tune of $18.5 billion annually.
Lunch video-----The Northman; how a film about white Europeans has upset the left-wing establishment.
Sage Steele sues ESPN and Disney for treatment following her comments on vaccine mandates, Obama - TheBlaze
The Taxpayer Con of the Century - WSJ
- Remember how Democrats sold their student loan takeover as a money-saver?
Biden-carz destroy profits!-----Ford Reports Devastating Losses Thanks To Electric Vehicle Gamble | The Daily Caller
- “A net loss of $3.1 billion was primarily attributable to a mark-to-market loss of $5.4 billion on the company’s investment in Rivian,” Ford said in the earnings report.
...“Put very simply, all the world’s cell production combined represents well under 10% of what we will need in 10 years,” Scaringe said last week.
Traitor!!-----Republicans tears into DHS Secretary Mayorkas for 'DELIBERATELY trying to overwhelm the border' | Daily Mail Online
- Republicans are lambasting Mayorkas for claiming Wednesday that the Biden administration is 'effectively managing' the crisis at the border
- Representative Jim Jordan accused on Thursday the Biden administration of 'deliberately' and 'intentionally' causing the southern border crisis as Republicans tore into Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for being 'out of touch' and a 'traitor.'
- 'The chaos on our southern border is not an accident,' the Ohio Republican congressman continued. 'It's deliberate, it's on purpose, it's by design.'
- 'President Biden on Day One said there'll be a moratorium on deportations, he ended Remain in Mexico, he terminated agreements with Northern Triangle countries and he stopped building the wall,' Jordan rattled off. 'Those policies, done intentionally, have led to all kinds of bad outcomes.'
- He said: 'Americans want legal immigration. President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas want illegal immigration. They want illegal migrants to come, stay and never go home. Now, the secretary won't say that. In fact, he says everything's just fine. He said it yesterday in two congressional hearings. He said it last September. Quote, 'The border is secure,' he told us.'..

Blackburn: 'Twitter Snowflakes Are Just Having a Good Old-Fashioned Come-Apart' Because They Can't Censor Anymore
Biden’s New ‘Ministry of Truth’ Director Turns out to Be a Raving Lunatic
That’s the story this morning after others have begun to dig through Nina Jankowicz’s past social media posts.
...Read her posts for yourself.
- Jankowicz is (because it’s a requirement on the left these days) a big-time Russia hysteric, spreading false conspiracy theories that the Hunter Biden laptop was a “Russian disinformation campaign.”
- She was also a huge fan of the Mueller investigation before she turned into a pro-lockdown fanatic..."
History for April 30
- 1789 - George Washington took office as first elected U.S. president.
- 1803 - The U.S. purchased the Louisiana Territory from France for $15 million.
- 1938 - Happy Rabbit appeared in the cartoon "Porky's Hare Hunt." This rabbit would later evolve into Bugs Bunny.
- 1945 - Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide. They had been married for one day. One week later Germany surrendered unconditionally.
- 1975 - Communists North Vietnamese troops entered the Independence Palace of South Vietnam in Saigon. 11 Marines lifted off of the U.S. Embassy were the last soldiers to evacuate.
- 1993 - CERN put the World Wide Web software in the public domain.
- 1998 - NATO was expanded to include Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. The three nations were formally admitted the following April at NATO's 50th anniversary summit.
Friday, April 29, 2022
DHS creates 'disinformation governance board,' appoints leader who peddled disinformation about Hunter Biden laptop, Trump dossier - TheBlaze
NOTHING is impossible!-----There's something funny about Kamala's case of COVID - American Thinker
"Kamala has COVID, and it is, allegedly, a light, asymptomatic case.
...Kamala's strange treatment suggests that she's sicker than anyone is admitting and may be "forced" to leave office.
Others are thinking along the same lines, but they believe that Hillary is the one who will step up when Kamala goes:

Image by Doug M. at SondraKistan..."
Woke=broken-----People Are Fleeing the Self-harm Progressives Inflicted on Their Own Cities
- ...An unprecedented 18 of the 50 states and the District of Columbia all lost population.
...But the biggest losses, in both population and percentage loss, came in four of the nation's six largest metropolitan areas: San Francisco/San Jose (-2.6%), New York (-1.8%), Chicago (-1.1%) and Los Angeles/Riverside (-0.8%).
'Annoying as hell': Google Docs features 'inclusive warning' pop-ups telling users to choose 'chairperson' instead of 'chairman' and other woke edicts - TheBlaze
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on Our COVID Response
Sooo, this ALLEGATION gets front-paged but Hunter, Sharpton and the rest of the dems get no investigation or mention?-----Justice Department sues Paul Manafort for nearly $3 million
..."He owes the United States $2,321,797 for the willful FBAR penalty for 2013, plus interest and failure to pay penalty," the documents filed in Florida federal court allege..."
Former NFL player threatens MSNBC host with lawsuit over 'child abuse' attack: 'She needs to be held accountable' - TheBlaze
They get the kudos (from democrats), you get the bill!-----DTE is helping impoverished Detroiters keep the lights on | Opinion
"...a recent analysis related to people in Detroit and for communities where the providing of energy from utilities is a challenge for many to pay, some companies, including DTE, are leading the way towards a better day.
They're teaching this crap to your kids!!!-----White women can never truly be antiracist — because they’re white, feminist scholar argues.
- ANALYSIS: Prominent feminist scholar argues white women can’t win within the confines of an antiracist worldview because they can’t escape their whiteness
The problem has been dubbed “the impasse of whiteness” by Robyn Wiegman, professor of literature and women’s studies and formerly the Margaret Taylor Smith Director of Women’s Studies at Duke University.
Wiegman gave a talk at Princeton University March 28 titled “Who’s Afraid of Rachel Dolezal? Or, Feminism and the Impasse of Whiteness” to discuss the concept.
...Wiegman, who is white, links Dolezal to “the impasse of whiteness,” which is essentially a no-win situation created by antiracism in which modern intersectional feminism now apparently demands that “white feminism” be dismantled to allow “black feminism” to exist..."
He's a dementia patient. Biggest political cover-up in history!!-----Watch: Joe Biden Suffers a Brain Freeze over 'Putin's Kleptocracies'
"President Joe Biden suffered another brain freeze on Thursday, stumbling over a phrase in a speech about Ukraine and Russia.
- The president struggled to say the word “kleptocracies” as he spoke from his teleprompter about the “ill-begotten gains” of Russian oligarchs connected to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
- “We’re going to seize their yachts, their luxury homes, and other ill-begotten gains of Putin’s kleptocrac-,k- k-, yeah, kleptocracy … the guys who are in the kleptocracies,” he concluded with a chuckle.
- “But these are bad guys,” he added...
Watch MSNBC Host Realize Live On Air What Conservatives Have Known For Years | The Daily Caller
DHS sec Mayorkas announces Orwellian 'Disinformation Governance Board' with a leader who dismissed Hunter's laptop as disinformation - American Thinker
"What could better epitomize the dystopian nature of a governmental organ called the "Disinformation Governance Board" than putting it under the command of a bureaucrat who
- questioned the validity of Hunter Biden's laptop, calling it "a Trump campaign product," and
- who served as an adviser to the corrupt Ukrainian regime?
Bradford Betz reports for Fox News:
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testified Wednesday that the Department of Homeland Security is creating a "Disinformation Governance Board" to combat misinformation ahead of the 2022 midterms...
...Katelyn Caralle of the U.K. Daily Mail adds:
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas...explained that the board would work to tackle disinformation ahead of the November midterms, particularly in Hispanic communities...
The Russia disinformation expert previously called the laptop of President Joe Biden's son Hunter a 'Trump campaign product. (snip)
Jankowicz also suggested last week that she opposes the The First Amendment because she thinks it is bad for 'marginalized communities' and called Elon Musk a 'free speech absolutist' because he wants to make Twitter more open to all voices.
Sounds like a taxpayer-funded propaganda organ directed at a key constituency the Democrats fear losing..."
History for April 29
- 1429 - Joan of Arc led Orleans, France, to victory over Britain.
- 1813 - Rubber was patented by J.F. Hummel.
- 1913 - Gideon Sundback patented an all-purpose zipper.
- 1945 - The Nazi death camp, Dachau, was liberated.
- 1946 - Twenty-eight former Japanese leaders were indicted in Tokyo as war criminals.
- 1952 - IBM President Thomas J. Watson, Jr., informed his company's stockholders that IBM was building "the most advanced, most flexible high-speed computer in the world." The computer was unveiled April 7, 1953, as the IBM 701 Electronic Data Processing Machine.
- 1990 - The destruction of the Berlin Wall began.
- 1992 - Rioting began after a jury decision to acquit four Los Angeles policemen in the Rodney King beating trial. 54 people were killed in 3 days.
- 1998 - The U.S., Canada and Mexico end tariffs on $1 billion in NAFTA trade.
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Disney's Leftist Turn Betrays Walt Disney's Vision
Kansas Lawmaker Denounced for Feeling Discomfort at Sharing a Bathroom With Transgender Colleague
"...Kansas state Rep. Cheryl Helmer responded to an email from a transgender activist asking about the banning of biological males from female sports...
“Now, personally I do not appreciate the huge transgender female who is now in our restrooms in the Capitol,” Helmer wrote in an email which was published by the Topeka-Capital Journal. “It is quite uncomforting. I have asked the men if they would like a woman in their restroom and they freaked out.”
The transgender lawmaker in question, Rep. Stephanie Byers, was offended that Helmer was uncomfortable sharing a bathroom with a biological male..."
Batteries won't save us.
But when wind is not blowing and sun not shining?
Yet Europe uses 7.5GWh/minute and has 10.2GWh of battery storage: enough for just 1m:21s
2030: 11m:45s
After that, we need 100% backup, mostly fossil fuels"
Supreme Court poised to side with Christian football coach fired for praying after games - TheBlaze
The Left Hates Real Fairness, Wants Equity
- Equity to them is another word for revenge.
- Equity’s worldview, as I see it, starts with the proposition that the white majority is guilty of bigotry and oppression,
- and that all differential outcomes between groups are solely the result of that bigotry and oppression.
- Equity proponents therefore argue that retributive actions against the majority are necessary to correct those wrongs – we’ll get to that later..."
Twitter employees go 'absolutely insane' in meltdown over Elon Musk's purchase: 'I feel like im going to throw up' - TheBlaze
Anyone seeing a connection here?-----Prices Soar as Avian Flu Hits 1-in-10 Egg-Laying Hens Nationwide
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) data shows approximately 24.8 million egg-laying hens were affected by the flu, which typically requires destruction of the birds, since February.
The United Egg Producers says there are 232 million egg-laying hens in the country, meaning the flu has taken out more than 10%..."
Borrowed and saved for protection from censors concerning facts about oil.
"...You’ve been lied to by the phony President and his phony cronies, but I want to set the record straight.
- There is enough recoverable crude oil within the continental US to supply current and projected future demand for 400+ years, and that’s just the oil we know about. It doesn’t account for future discoveries. That’s a fact, jack.
- We do not need to import a SINGLE DROP of foreign crude oil. The domestic oil industry can easily meet, and even surpass domestic demand. We’ve done it before, and we can do it again. That’s a fact, jack.
- The domestic oil industry currently cannot satisfy domestic demand due to oil drilling restrictions imposed by the federal government. That’s a fact, jack.
- The price of EVERYTHING revolves around oil, and the law of supply vs demand dictates the price of oil. When oil is plentiful, commodities are cheap. When oil is scarce, commodities are more expensive. Right now, domestic oil is scarce, and the price of everything is high because of these restrictions imposed by the federal government. That’s a fact, jack...Read all.
Court Temporarily Blocks Ending Of Title 42 | The Daily Caller
Special Districts Are Kingdoms of Unaccountable Power - WSJ
- Special Districts Are Kingdoms of Unaccountable Power
- Disney’s Reedy Creek is only one of 38,000 such entities nationwide—twice the number of U.S. cities.
Although some types of special districts have value, most are superfluous, obscure and burdensome.
- They are means to escape citizen limitations on government power and should be brought under the control of regular voters and local governments again.
but without most of the constraints..."
History for April 28
- 1686 - The first volume of Isaac Newton's "Principia Mathamatic" was published.
- 1789 - A mutiny on the British ship Bounty took place when a rebel crew took the ship and set sail to Pitcairn Island. The mutineers left Captain W. Bligh and 18 sailors adrift.
- 1896 - The Addressograph was patented by J.S. Duncan.
- 1914 - W.H. Carrier patented the design of his air conditioner.
- 1932 - The yellow fever vaccine for humans was announced.
- 1945 - Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci were executed by Italian partisans as they attempted to flee the country.
- 1952 - The U.S. occupation of Japan officially ended when a treaty with the U.S. and 47 other countries went into effect.
- 1992 - The U.S. Agriculture Department unveiled a pyramid-shaped recommended-diet chart.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Democratic official threatens school closures, new mandates over COVID-19 booster numbers - TheBlaze
Ripping off the public!!-----Ann Arbor Police Use Big Overtime Totals To Boost Big Pensions
- They also contributed to Monroe retiring with an annual pension of about $159,160.
...Ann Arbor police officers who put in overtime on University of Michigan football Saturdays are a familiar sight, and the extra revenue they collect as a result also pays off in higher pension benefits for the rest of their lives..."
Why Violence Is An Inevitable Outcome Of Critical Race Theory
- For true believers of critical race theory, America is too steeped in racial oppression to be changed from within. Destruction is the only alternative.
- Last week, Frank James opened fire in a New York City subway, injuring 23 people.
- In November, Darrell Brooks drove his SUV through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, killing 6 people and injuring 60 others.
race relations were a key motive for their acts of violence. (Naturally, the mainstream media has neglected to find out if it was indeed their motivation)..."
Elon Musk and SpaceX thwarted a Russian electromagnetic attack on Ukraine - TheBlaze
Government as predator!-----Stossel: Little Pink House
Facebook Doesn’t Know What It Does With Your Data, Or Where It Goes.
...And the “fundamental” problem, the company admits, is that Facebook has no idea where all of its user data goes, or what it’s doing with it, according to a leaked internal document obtained by Motherboard...
What it comes down to is this: So long as your data is how Facebook makes money, the company has no vested interest in what happens to it after they’ve gotten their cut.--Posted by Stephen Green--Read all.
Missing Texas National Guard soldier named Bishop Evans - TheBlaze
Self-delusion!-----A Mostly Wind- and Solar-Powered U.S. Economy Is a Dangerous Fantasy :: Gatestone Institute
- When President Biden and other advocates of wind and solar generation speak, they appear to believe that the challenge posed is just a matter of currently having too much fossil fuel generation and not enough wind and solar; and therefore, accomplishing the transition to "net zero" will be a simple matter of building sufficient wind and solar facilities and having those facilities replace the current ones that use the fossil fuels. They are completely wrong about that.
- The proposed transition to "net zero" via wind and solar power is not only not easy, but is a total fantasy. It likely cannot occur at all without dramatically undermining our economy, lifestyle and security, and it certainly cannot occur at anything remotely approaching reasonable cost. At some point, the ongoing forced transition... will crash and burn.
[I]t doesn't matter whether you build a million wind turbines and solar panels, or a billion, or a trillion. On a calm night, they will still produce nothing, and will require full back-up from some other source. - If you propose a predominantly wind/solar electricity system, where fossil fuel back-up is banned, you must, repeat must, address the question of energy storage...Much here, read all!