Saturday, April 23, 2022

Deace: The fight for COVID freedom isn't over. Our gov't is still trying to ruin the lives of US troops. - TheBlaze

Deace: The fight for COVID freedom isn't over. Our gov't is still trying to ruin the lives of US troops. - TheBlaze
We can’t be like the leftist zombies who believe that whatever emotion they have amounts to a Gospel all others must share regardless of experience. Our lust for freedom can’t intoxicate us to the point that we no longer recognize or even care about someone else’s slavery. Especially when the chains are for those whose very job is to make sure our freedom is preserved at all costs.

Because as some of us race to book our next maskless flight, there are other Americans currently serving in the military for whom COVID and its various oppressions are far from being a thing of the past. One such airman’s wife recently contacted me to make the point that lives and careers are hanging in the balance as we speak.

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