Thursday, May 12, 2022

California's Long Hot Summer—and Ours Clarice Feldman

California's Long Hot Summer—and Ours Clarice Feldman link
"Adding to supply shortages on everything from silicon chips for cars and household appliances to food, including baby food, this summer promises an exceptionally miserable shortage—electricity in California, and other things elsewhere in the country. 
California energy officials warned that the state lacks sufficient capacity to meet electric demand if other extreme events—perfectly predictable ones by the way—like heatwaves, and wild fires, and drought –occur.
...It’s idiotic policies, 
  • not least of which is retiring power plants before they can be replaced by "renewables" or conventional energy. 
  • Of course, the most idiotic of all policies is the notion that depriving people of needed energy will make it possible to control the climate which in their fantasy world is heating up at an unprecedented and terrifying rate because of CO2 emissions.
...And they’ll be hard pressed to find water to drink, wash in, or grow food with because of similarly nonsensical water policies which are diminishing hydro electrical generation..."

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