Sunday, May 15, 2022

Culling the conservative voices-----Has Tucker Carlson created the most racist show in the history of cable news? : NPR

Has Tucker Carlson created the most racist show in the history of cable news? : NPR
  • This disgusting attack-piece from government controlled NPR was written last week, just one of many from lib-media/democrat leaders over the last few weeks. Connect the dots.
"...This idea of replacement theory...the this country are trying to replace Americans with obedient people from what he called the Third World.
Now, that is a direct borrowing of language and concept from white nationalists and not just conservatives. I'm talking about people who are neo-Nazis, open nativists, white nationalists, people who get together in dark corners of the internet, mostly, and propound theories about how a cabal of elites - sometimes Jews, sometimes broader - are trying to replace Americans. Now, that theme hadn't just popped up on the show last April. A version of it has been present in 400-plus episodes of the show..."
  • This morning, CNN/MSNBC and others are accusing un-named media voices of... encouraging the "hate" that spurred the Buffalo shooting yesterday.
  • And now we have a new "Disinformation Governance Board" with near-unlimited powers to keep hate-news under wraps.
  • Watch out, folks!

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