Monday, May 09, 2022

HUGE UPDATE: Tech Giants Are Censoring, Blacklisting and Banning Posts on the "2000 Mules" Ballot Trafficking Documentary Across Social Media Platforms

HUGE UPDATE: Tech Giants Are Censoring, Blacklisting and Banning Posts on the "2000 Mules" Ballot Trafficking Documentary Across Social Media Platforms  link
"The movie “2000 Mules” proves through geo-tracking and video confirmation that Democrats used ballot trafficking to steal the 2020 election from President Donald Trump. 
 The national conspiracy involved every battleground state.
On Sunday Morning True the Vote published this alarming post on their Facebook account.
Extremely important update:
We’ve received numerous reports of widespread censorship of posts about 2000 Mules across major social media platforms.
  • Our website to help citizens engage in democracy and clean up the voter databases has been fully blacklisted on Facebook.
  • Instagram has reportedly been blacking out images from our premiere with POTUS 45 in Mar a Lago.
  • TikTok is flagging accounts distributing video clips of last night’s premiere in Vegas for “inciting violence”.
  • Twitter is shutting down accounts.
  • Rumble came under “unprecedented attacks” trying to prevent the stream of the video...

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