Thursday, May 19, 2022

Study Turns Up Surprising Way 'Green' Cars Pollute More Than Gas-Powered Engines

Study Turns Up Surprising Way 'Green' Cars Pollute More Than Gas-Powered Engines
"...According to a piece published Monday by the EV-centric outlet Green Car Reports, a British-based independent emissions testing firm found that particulate matter emissions from tires are 1,850 times greater...than from a tailpipe of a gas-powered car.
...they found that adding half a metric ton (1,100 pounds) “of battery weight can result in tire emissions that are almost 400 more times greater than real-world tailpipe emissions, everything else being equal.”
...electric vehicles already have a tendency to be heavier than gas vehicles because of the weight of their batteries, and the fact that buyers want greater range — meaning bigger battery packs. 
...Any way you cut it, though, it’s pollution going into the air, the water, or the soil that’s coming from electric vehicles.
And it’s worse than tires on cars with lighter, gas-powered engines..."

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