Wednesday, May 18, 2022

We are not responsible for anything we say, but you are responsible for anything I say you said," is the precursor to shutting down free speech.

Michael Smith  --
"We are not responsible for anything we say, but you are responsible for anything I say you said," is the precursor to shutting down free speech.
I have used George Wallace's "Segregation Forever" speech as an example of how this works for the left (but never works ON the left).
If you look at Wallace’s speech, there are many conservative points in there – individual liberty, states right to determine their own fates, free market, limited government, faith in God – but none of the conservative principles in Wallace’s diatribe are racist in nature.
...They are the principles our nation was founded upon and anodyne – innocuous – with respect to race.
And yet, this speech is used to prove conservatives are racist..."

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