Thursday, June 09, 2022

Another bogus "study" weaponized against those who oppose leftist hegemony!!-----People Living In Pro-Trump Counties More Likely To Die From Covid, Study Finds

People Living In Pro-Trump Counties More Likely To Die From Covid, Study Finds
"People living in counties that voted Republican in the 2020 presidential election were more likely to die from Covid-19 than those living in counties that voted Democrat, according to a study published in Health Affairs on Monday, underscoring the effects of a partisan response to the pandemic as officials move to counter another surge in cases.
...Disparate mortality rates are likely due to structural, policy and behavioral differences in more conservative counties, the researchers said...
“The impact of partisanship doesn’t only impact people of one political stripe,” Sehgal said. 
“Not everyone who lives in a Republican county votes Republican... 
  • Even in the reddest counties, you have people who aren’t able to vote or aren’t able to leave, and yet are subject to the policies and behaviors that surround them.”...
The bogus study" correlating covid deaths:
The bogus "study" correlating ALL deaths:

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