Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Funny...and sad.-----WaPo's Dave Weigel Learns How Much His Loyalty to the Democrats Is Worth

WaPo's Dave Weigel Learns How Much His Loyalty to the Democrats Is Worth  - 

  • HINT: Rhymes with "nothing"

"Looking back at the stuff Weigel said in the old days, wishing death on Rush Limbaugh for opposing Obamacare and whatnot, it’s almost quaint by 2022 standards.

It took 12 years for WaPo to suspend Weigel again, and this time the attack is coming from his left:
If you haven’t seen it, here’s the evil horrible sexist joke that triggered the whole imbroglio:

That was it. That’s what the whole thing is about. Another WaPo hack named Felicia Sonmez took it personally that Weigel enjoyed this joke, and now she’s trying to destroy his career over it..."

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