Saturday, June 04, 2022

“Immigration without assimilation is an invasion.” — Bobby Jindal-----Millions of new faces in Biden's foreign-born boom

Millions of new faces in Biden's foreign-born boom
  • 2 million new faces in 16 months: The Biden era’s foreign-born boom
"The rapid increase in immigrants show the Biden Administration is losing control of the border.
In a new analysis for the Center for Immigration Studies, my colleague Karen Zeigler and I show that the total foreign-born or immigrant population reached 47 million in April 2022 — the highest number ever in American history...
These numbers are extraordinary, not only because they indicate that America has lost control of its borders, but also because they raise profound questions about how many people the country can successfully integrate.
...Since 2000, the total foreign-born population has grown by 50%
It has also doubled since 1990, tripled since 1980, and quintupled since 1970..."

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