Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Sunday, July 31, 2022
'Meathead': Rob Reiner Ridiculed for Claiming Biden Is Best President in Almost 60 Years
DeSantis Accuses Biden Admin of 'Gaslighting People' on Economy
The 'Recession or Not' Argument Is a Distraction: Our Economy Is Worse Than Almost All Major Countries
Newsweek reports that the “United States saw worse economic growth than seven other major economies in the second quarter of 2022.”
Even Mexico’s economy outperformed the U.S. economy..."
Washington D.C. Is Run By the Enemies of the American People – It Is Time to Take America Back (VIDEO)
- The accumulation of excessive power has made the federal government a self-serving and self-preserving entity unaccountable to the American people and operating outside of constitutional constraints.
- The U.S. government has become a corrupt one-party state, composed of mutually supportive Democrat and Republican politicians, administered by a permanent dictatorial bureaucracy, all controlled by transnational interests, who plunder American assets for personal power and profit, while attempting to maintain the illusion of democracy.
Watch the video below:
Andy Biggs: DOJ, FBI Hid Info on Hunter Biden, Calls to Stop Paying AG Garland
Journalism Runs Dry (Part 2)
Don Surber: The cargo cult of climate change
"...Feynman's IQ may have been 125 but he was the smartest American not named Benjamin Franklin.
...While he won a Nobel in physics, it was teaching he liked best.
...Which brings us to his commencement speech, Cargo Cult Science, subtitled "Some remarks on science, pseudoscience, and learning how to not fool yourself."
Feynman began, "During the Middle Ages there were all kinds of crazy ideas, such as that a piece of rhinoceros horn would increase potency.
..."But even today I meet lots of people who sooner or later get me into a conversation about UFO’s, or astrology, or some form of mysticism, expanded consciousness, new types of awareness, ESP, and so forth. And I’ve concluded that it’s not a scientific world."
- ...He said, "In the South Seas there is a Cargo Cult of people. During the war they saw airplanes land with lots of good materials, and they want the same thing to happen now. So they’ve arranged to make things like runways, to put fires along the sides of the runways, to make a wooden hut for a man to sit in, with two wooden pieces on his head like headphones and bars of bamboo sticking out like antennas—he’s the controller—and they wait for the airplanes to land. They’re doing everything right. The form is perfect. It looks exactly the way it looked before. But it doesn’t work. No airplanes land. So I call these things Cargo Cult Science, because they follow all the apparent precepts and forms of scientific investigation, but they’re missing something essential, because the planes don’t land."
He also called out liberal programs..."
Senior DOJ Official Confirms Ongoing Hunter Biden Investigation
Trofim Lysenko Has Entered the Chat - by Michael Smith
- The most protected and socially distanced senior citizen in America, a man living in the total security, isolation and protection of the White House, surrounded, managed and controlled by Priests and Cardinals of the most secret Inner Circle of the Covidian religion, attended by Soviet style Lysenkoist scientists and doctors, a man directly advised by the High Priest of their Religion, St. Anthony of Fauci, and advised by a cabal of St. Anthony’s High Cardinals at the CDC and NIH, a man who participated in a national campaign from the isolation of his basement due to fear of the disease and was, and is still, protected by the nomenklatura and the propagandists, who will ban and silence any critics for even the suggestion the state approved and mandated treatments do not actually work, has tested positive for Covid…AGAIN.
Biden has tested positive for Covid FOR THE SECOND TIME IN LESS THAN TWO WEEKS.
And in the most ironic of excuses, his doctors and the sycophantic media are blaming the treatment regime he was given, all the time trying to disprove a negative.
- “Well, it would have been so much worse of we didn’t do all those things!” they scream from their cloisters in the Monastery of Covidianism..."
Germany darkens cities, turn down thermostats and considers shutting down breweries to deal with energy shortage
- Today Russia announced a bunch of new problems it was allegedly having with the Germany-made machines that pump natural gas through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline.
...Here’s a Reuters report from last Friday about the energy saving efforts in one German city.
The elite WILL eliminate the "non-elite" if we let them!-----"We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrial civilization to collapse."
For years, the Left have bemoaned the burden of overpopulation.
- “It’s terrible to have to say this. World population must be stabilized and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. This is so horrible to contemplate that we shouldn’t even say it. But the general situation in which we are involved is lamentable.” —Jacques Yves Cousteau
- “Either we reduce the world’s population voluntarily or nature will do this for us, but brutally.” —UN Undersecretary-Maurice Strong
- We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrial civilization to collapse. —UN Undersecretary-Maurice Strong
- The world’s population has more than tripled to seven billion since Ted Turner was born 73 years ago. He believes it must be stabilized at near two billion, or “we’re just going to have more and more catastrophes.” —Ted Turner
- “What we need to have for 100 years is a one-child policy …If everybody voluntarily had one child for 100 years, we’d basically be back to two billon people.” —Ted Turner
17 Times Joe Biden Was Involved in the Biden Family Business
Following Its 2-Day Heatwave, The UK Suffers Unusual July Chills (2.9C/37.2F); Summer Snow Sweeps Alaska; + Fresh Fertilizer Cuts In Canada And Germany
But according to master shillers, “the UK is no longer a cold country”:
History for July 31
- 1790 - The first U.S. patent was issued to Samuel Hopkins for his process for making potash and pearl ashes. The substance was used in fertilizer.
- 1919 - Germany's Weimar Constitution was adopted.
- 1928 - MGM’s Leo the lion roared for the first time. He introduced MGM’s first talking picture, "White Shadows on the South Seas."
- 1964 - The American space probe Ranger 7 transmitted pictures of the moon's surface.
- 1971 - Men rode in a vehicle on the moon for the first time in a lunar rover vehicle (LRV).
- 1995 - The Walt Disney Company agreed to acquire Capital Cities/ABC in a $19 billion deal.
Saturday, July 30, 2022
Mark Levin January 6 committee unconstitutional - TheBlaze
Joe Biden met with 14 of Hunter's business associates as vice president - TheBlaze
6 terms Biden has redefined to further agenda, stigmatize opponents | Just The News
"From "recession" to "disinformation," the president and his team have weaponized language for political purposes.
...Here are six terms the administration has sought to redefine:
1. Recession...
2. Disinformation...
3. Domestic terrorist...
4. Insurrectionist...
5. Voter suppression...
6. Illegal alien..."
Where is the media outrage?-----Whistleblowers Say FBI 'Pressured & Incentivized' Agents To Classify Cases As Domestic Terrorism - Breaking911
- New whistleblower information reveals that FBI officials are pressuring agents to reclassify cases as “domestic violent extremism” (DVE) despite lacking the criteria to meet such a classification.
- Whistleblower disclosures have also detailed the agency’s effort to exaggerate DVE data to satisfy the Bureau’s leadership.
Dozens of migrants discovered in 'stash houses' in rich neighborhood of Washington, D.C., report says - TheBlaze
This administration can't stop lying to America!-----"REPORTER: "What's the difference between Texas busing migrants to DC, and the federal government flying migrants to, say New York, in the middle of the night?"
Lunch video-----Logic, And Proportion
Comer: We'll Likely 'See Double-Digit Inflation' and Dem Spending Deal Will 'Create More Inflation' -- Dems Think People Can 'Handle' Pain
Their scheme for US!!-----World Economic Forum Urges Public To Eliminate Ownership Of Private Vehicles
"The World Economic Forum is advocating for the abolition of
“wasteful” private vehicle ownership for the planet’s greater good as the organization attempts to advance its “Great Reset” agenda and transform the world so that the average person will “own nothing.”
“We need a clean energy revolution, and we need it now,” states a WEF’s July 18 article titled, “3 circular economy approaches to reduce demand for critical metals.”
...The unelected globalist group recommends the public “go from owning to using” by implementing “vehicle sharing initiatives” to decrease mass reliance on critical metals..."
Don Surber: Why the press is the enemy of the people
US Economy Posts Second Consecutive Quarter Of Negative Growth | The Daily Caller
Videos just hours apart seem to show DIFFERENT Joe Bidens - TheBlaze
- Deep fakes?
- Body double?
- FBI zombie drugs?
A few people also seemed to think there might have been some fancy editing going on.
History for July 30
- 1942 - The WAVES were created by legislation signed by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The members of the Women's Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service were a part of the U.S. Navy.
- 1945 - The USS Indianapolis was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine. The ship had just delivered key components of the Hiroshima atomic bomb to the Pacific island of Tinian. Only 316 out of 1,196 men aboard survived the attack.
- 1956 - The phrase "In God We Trust" was adopted as the U.S. national motto.
- 1965 - U.S. President Johnson signed into law Social Security Act that established Medicare and Medicaid. It went into effect the following year.
- 2003 - In Mexico, the last 'old style' Volkswagen Beetle rolled off an assembly line.
Friday, July 29, 2022
Videos just hours apart seem to show DIFFERENT Joe Bidens - TheBlaze
Glenn Beck: Here's why ALARM BELLS should have gone off when Biden said THIS - TheBlaze
Academia Neglects Its Most Important Function: A Free Marketplace of Ideas - American Thinker
Today’s academic “marketplace” increasingly sells only one product, drives others from the agora with a variety of bullying actions, and threatens both the sellers and purchasers into silence about alternate products.
Here’s an eye-opener to illustrate the extent of the assault on free speech and free thought.
The consequences of this are far reaching.We are entering a future where blacklisting, censorship, and the abuse of power will become the norm, because apparently the new generation thinks such things are always justified, if they have been offended in any way. From a recent poll of 2,000 students at 130 colleges: In one eye-opening finding, 74 percent of undergrads endorse the view that a professor who says “something that students find offensive” should be reported to the university. By a majority almost as lopsided, 65 percent believe that a fellow student who says something they consider offensive should be turned in. That informers’ mindset is especially pronounced among students who identify themselves as politically liberal, fully 85 percent of whom would report a professor...
"They perform no useful function, and do considerable harm.--Posted by Glenn Reynolds"
"Academic diversity officers are ‘boots on the ground’ for DEI.
They perform no useful function, and do considerable harm.--Posted by Glenn Reynolds"
Democrats push bill to impose term limits on Supreme Court justices - TheBlaze
Tucker Carlson: It turns out we're insane
It's snow laughing matter - Climate Discussion Nexus
- ...But actually “Visitors to Glacier National Park won’t be able to cruise Going-to-the-Sun Road for the July Fourth weekend this year. Park officials say that’s thanks to unprecedented winter and late spring snow storms.”
Cori Bush Won't Respond on Biden Running for Reelection - Louder With Crowder
As more people visit infested areas-----Shark Attacks and Climate Change
- Contrary to NBC Nightly News, there is no scientific basis for the claim that climate change is causing shark attacks.
...A 2019 paper in the journal PLoS One measured shark attacks per million people in the nations with the most shark attacks and found that “the majority of countries saw no perceptible trend or change” since 1960.
America's Gestapo?------FBI Targets Enemies Foreign And Domestic - by Mark Wauck
- The FBI is in the news these days.
- They’re targeting enemies of our country, starting with domestic “terrorists.”
- Here’s the substance of the letter:
We continue to hear from brave whistleblowers about disturbing conduct at the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Anyone who has worked for the federal government knows exactly how this works.
The crooks have their fingers on the scale!-----News - MEDIA ADVISORY: 96% of U.S. Climate Data Is Corrupted | Heartland Institute
- Official NOAA temperature stations produce corrupted data due to purposeful placement in man-made hot spots
- Nationwide study follows up widespread corruption and heat biases found at NOAA stations in 2009, and the heat-bias distortion problem is even worse now
ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL (July 27, 2022) – A new study, Corrupted Climate Stations: The Official U.S. Surface Temperature Record Remains Fatally Flawed, finds approximately 96 percent of U.S. temperature stations used to measure climate change fail to meet what the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) considers to be “acceptable” and uncorrupted placement by its own published standards...

NY 'No Bail' Law Frees Teen Caught on Video Assaulting Police Officer
Di Leo: Eight Critical Steps to Restore the Republic - Illinois Review
First, a few ground rules: 1. Republican legislators have a tendency to say “if we don’t hold the executive branch, there’s no point wasting our time on things that won’t get signed.” Wrong...
2. There are tons of issues that Republicans shy away from. Cold fear of being called “racist, sexist, anti-gay,” and a hundred other insults has terrified Republicans to the point that they won’t say a word about the crippling welfare state, our emasculated military, the insolvency of Social Security, and perhaps a hundred other subjects. We simply cannot afford such fears anymore.
For decades, Republican squeamishness has given the Democrats carte blanche to use those very issues to undermine not only the United States, but Western Civilization itself. Stand up or go home..."
History for July 29
- 1773 - The first schoolhouse to be located west of the Allegheny Mountains was built in Schoenbrunn, OH.
- 1914 - The first transcontinental telephone service was inaugurated when two people held a conversation between New York, NY and San Francisco, CA.
- 1950 - Disney's adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island" was released.
- Disney movies, music and books
- 1957 - Jack Paar began hosting the "Tonight" show on NBC-TV. The name of the show was changed to "The Jack Paar Show." Paar was host for five years.
- 1968 - Pope Paul VI reaffirmed the Roman Catholic Church's stance against artificial methods of birth control.
- 1985 - General Motors announced that Spring Hill, TN, would be the home of the Saturn automobile assembly plant.
- 1998 - The United Auto Workers union ended a 54-day strike against General Motors. The strike caused $2.8 billion in lost revenues.
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Democrats Admit Defeat: Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Not in Budget Package
Science Dies In Bad Journalism
This is very wierd!
The Patriot Post posted a video to playlist Joe Biden. r