Sunday, July 10, 2022

Their core "value" is hate!-----“F*** Clarence Thomas” is a lousy argument for abortion on demand

“F*** Clarence Thomas” is a lousy argument for abortion on demand
"...the hard-left mayor of Chicago in a public speech spat “f*** Clarence Thomas!” 
  • (Devoid of any self-awareness, days later this same Democrat mayor bemoaned the toxicity of current political discussions.)
...The mayor’s “analysis” was echoed by many other Democrats including most of their media allies.
Of the six Justices that formed the majority in the abortion case, Justice Thomas was singled out even though he wrote only a concurring opinion and not the opinion of the Court. 
  • The left routinely singles him out for special hate because he’s black. The left sees black people who won’t side with them as not just wrong, but uppity and possibly worthy of lynching. Who gave them permission to leave the Democrat plantation?..."

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