Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Cross-Examining the Climate Change Cultists--Kurt Schlichter

Cross-Examining the Climate Change Cultists
  • If you want to watch the pinkos fret, simply state the indisputable truth that what they call “climate change” is a massive hoax. 
"Their fallback is inevitably that “science”...has decreed that because we peons insist on not living in caves like primitive tribesmen (okay, non-binary tribespeople) the Earth is going to cook
...There’s no time to think, no time to reflect, and certainly no time to argue. 
  • Why, who are you to question the scientists?
...I was told that in the context of climate change the science is settled, that there is only one possible answer and that anything else is at least quackery and possibly felony denial.
...The weather cultists even have a uniquely dumb and offensive slur for people who dare test their evidence, such as it is: “Denier.”
...And does it seem strange to you that climate advocates like John Kerry are zipping across the Atlantic to party in Davos and folks like Barack Obama are buying beachfront property if this is an existential crisis?

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