Thursday, September 22, 2022

Bill Maher blasts leftists who try to rewrite history to 'control the present' narrative: 'Being woke is like a magic moral time machine' - TheBlaze

Bill Maher blasts leftists who try to rewrite history to 'control the present' narrative: 'Being woke is like a magic moral time machine' - TheBlaze

Maher noted that American Historical Society President James Sweet "caught hell" from leftists over an essay of his in which he criticized presentism — and then went to bat for Sweet by dismantling woke pronouncements leftists typically make to prop up their morality as compared to people of the past.

He touched upon slavery as an example: “Everybody who could afford one had a slave — including people of color. The way people talk about slavery these days, you’d think it was a uniquely American thing that we invented in 1619. But slavery throughout history has been the rule, not the exception.”

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