Saturday, September 24, 2022

Fear-mongers up the hype!-----WEF Mafioso Threatens Climate Annihilation, Demands $2 Trillion as Protection Money

WEF Mafioso Threatens Climate Annihilation, Demands $2 Trillion as Protection Money
  • ...Harari at 4:20 explains that 2% of global GDP is a reasonable amount for his WEF sponsors to further extract from the economy to fight “climate change.” (Global GDP in 2022 is projected to be $103 trillion dollars. Two percent of that figure is about $2 trillion, give or take a few billion.)
  • He warns that if you don’t agree right away, we’re all going to die a miserable collective death. He reminds the viewer, like any good high-pressure shyster salesman would, that there’s no time to think.
  • Interestingly, neither Harari nor the CNN actor, Bill Weir, get around to explaining: which administrative entity will receive that $2 trillion
  • what exactly the entity is going to do with the money it collects to end climate change
  • what accountability process will be in place to ensure the money actually goes to combating “climate change” (whatever that means)…or any of the mechanics, actually.
  • The important thing is to shut up and write the check. The details will take care of themselves...

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