Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Florida resident speaks out against LGBTQ indoctrination - Louder With Crowder

Florida resident speaks out against LGBTQ indoctrination - Louder With Crowder

There are very few people who believe public schools should be in the business of indoctrinating children with LGBTQ messaging and gender theory idiocy. Basically, it comes down to some drag queens, a bunch of ignorant teachers, and Disney. And if you're a parent like me, you don't care what those people have to say about anything, let alone what they think your child should be "learning" in school. As evidence of the universal rejection of such curricula, a gay man recently went before the Miami-Dade School board and tore it a new one for pushing for LGBTQ history month to be added to the academic calendar in October. It's fabulous!

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