Monday, September 19, 2022

Physicist William Happer: "There is NO Climate Emergency ... Renewable Energy is the inverse Robin Hood strategy ... doubling CO2 makes no difference" - Electroverse

Physicist William Happer: "There is NO Climate Emergency ... Renewable Energy is the inverse Robin Hood strategy ... doubling CO2 makes no difference" - Electroverse
  • William Happer is an American physicist with over 200 published peer-reviews scientific papers. He is the Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics, Emeritus at Princeton University, and has also worked for the U.S. government on two separate occasions; the first between 1991-1993, where he served as Director of Energy Research; the second between 2018-2019 under the Trump administration, where he was Depute Assistant to the President for Emerging Technologies at the National Security Council.
"The best way to think about the frenzy over climate is to consider it a modern version of the medieval Crusades. 
You may remember that the motto of the crusaders was “Deus vult!”, “God wills it!” 
It is hard to pick a better virtue-signaling slogan than that..."

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