Sunday, September 18, 2022

"They might as well rebrand MSNBC as CPN - the Cotton Patch Network."

Michael Smith
"If a black American agrees with a conservative, they are tagged as an "Uncle Tom" just wanting to please his massah.
I've always thought this was funny, because anyone who has ever read Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel understands that Tom's step-and-fetch-it persona is largely a nonresistant, sacrificial act as he gave his life to protect others who escaped slavery.
But history has never been a strong suit of the left and apparently, reading isn't, either.
But when I look at the total parroting of the white, elite, liberal line by almost every black member of the media, one wonder who is really serving the great white massah.
It ain't Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell or Candace Owens.
  • You really wonder if they ever think about how they run out to defend the leftist acts of pasty white old men and shriveled old women who are members of a political party that has taken them for granted at best and at worst, treated them as cannon fodder.
They might as well rebrand MSNBC as CPN - the Cotton Patch Network."

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