Thursday, October 27, 2022

Fetterman's Lines Were Canned, But He Couldn't Read the Labels

Fetterman's Lines Were Canned, But He Couldn't Read the Labels
“Hi. Good night, everybody.” That’s how Senate candidate John Fetterman began his first and only debate of the 2022 election, and it turned out to be the high point of his evening.
I watched the whole thing, and it was the longest hour of my life that didn’t involve some sort of surgery.
...The fine folks at the Washington Free Beacon have condensed a full hour of Fetterman’s stroke-addled babbling into 90 seconds:
A few of Fetterman’s bon mots:
  • “He got his Pennsylvania house from his own inlays! From a dollar!”
  • “I do support fracking, and I don’t, I don’t... I support fracking, and I stand, and I do support fracking.”
  • My doctoral believes that I’m fit to be serving, and that’s what I believe is where I’m standing.”
  • “Again, I just can’t just say one thing other than that Dr. Oz would not support and he would support cutting Medicare.”
  • “I just believe. I just, making it that much more, it, it costs too much, and I believe providing the resources to reduce the tuition allow families to be able to afford it.”...

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