Saturday, December 24, 2022

Federal Judge Says School Hiding Kids’ Gender Transitions Doesn’t ‘Shock The Conscience,’ Throws Out Parent Lawsuit

Federal Judge Says School Hiding Kids’ Gender Transitions Doesn’t ‘Shock The Conscience,’ Throws Out Parent Lawsuit
  • A pair of siblings said they wanted to transition. - By Mairead Elordi
"A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit from Massachusetts parents who accused public school officials of hiding their children’s gender transitions from them.
U.S. District Court Judge Mark Mastroianni, an Obama appointee, criticized Ludlow Public Schools officials for allegedly hiding the pair of siblings’ gender transitions from their parents, but he said the officials’ actions do not “shock the conscience.
...The parents claimed that school officials failed to inform them that their two children, an 11-year-old girl and a 12-year-old boy, were transitioning to a gender other than the one corresponding to their biological sex...

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