Tuesday, December 27, 2022

History for December 27

History for December 27 - On-This-Day.com 
Oscar Levant 1916
  • 1845 - Dr. Crawford Williamson Long used anesthesia for childbirth for the first time. The event was the delivery of his own child in Jefferson, GA.
  • 1945 - The World Bank was created with an agreement signed by 28 nations.
  • 1947 - The children's television program "Howdy Doody," hosted by Bob Smith, made its debut on NBC.
  • 1978 - Spain adopted a new constitution and became a democracy after 40 years of dictatorship.
  • 1979 - Soviet forces seized control of Afghanistan. Babrak Karmal succeeded President Hafizullah Amin, who was overthrown and executed.
  • 1985 - Palestinian guerrillas opened fire inside the Rome and Vienna airports. A total of twenty people were killed, including five of the attackers, who were slain by police and security personnel.
  • 2001 - U.S. President George W. Bush granted China permanent normal trade status with the United States.

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