Tuesday, December 27, 2022

How employers spy on your search history, digital footprint

How employers spy on your search history, digital footprint"The amount of sensitive information that potential employers can see during a candidate's background check is jaw-dropping.
It’s all out there.
...No matter how often you clear your browser or wipe your social media accounts, our online history is eternal, experts warn.
  • “Your digital footprint doesn’t necessarily go away and it can be checked in the hiring process,” J.S. Nelson, cyber surveillance expert and visiting researcher in business ethics at Harvard Law School, told The Post. “Nothing’s really ever gone from the internet.”
Essentially, third-party data brokers collect information on individual internet users, tracking their site-to-site habits. 
And they’ll readily sell your each and every move — including to companies performing background checks on possible new hires.
This means that dirty searches, quirky online habits and subscriptions to sketchy newsletters and sites could all be accessed by a potential employer. 
Even deleted social media posts could be accessed.
...Here are some situations to be wary of in the age of bigger brother.
  • How much of my search history can be seen? The short answer? All of it.
  • Can they see things I deleted from social media?
  • Can they see my dating apps?
  • Can they find out my political views?...

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