Monday, December 26, 2022

Liberal City Enacts Anti-Pollution Order - You Can No Longer Burn a Wood Fire to Stay Warm

Liberal City Enacts Anti-Pollution Order - You Can No Longer Burn a Wood Fire to Stay Warm

The rule prevents people in the nine counties surrounding the Bay Area to use fireplaces, wood stoves, pellet stoves, outdoor fire pits or other wood-burning devices. The only exemption is if a home does not have a modern heating system installed.

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Oh, and of course there are fines. The government will fine homeowners $100 for the first “offense” and $500 for a second. The fines only go up from there, KBCW notes.

There is also a hotline you can call to narc on your neighbors because no government restriction is complete without a way to coerce people to act as Karen enforcers for the government.

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