Friday, December 23, 2022

North Carolina teacher fired for stating harsh truth

North Carolina teacher fired for stating harsh truth - Tom Knighton
"...A North Carolina professor has claimed that he was fired from a prestigious high school for criticizing critical race theory in a Friday lawsuit, according to a report from Fox 17 WZTV.
  • In the suit, filed by legal the Alliance Defending Freedom, a legal advocacy group, Dr. David Phillips alleges that the Governor’s School of North Carolina (NCGS), a publicly funded summer program, fired him without explanation after he criticized the school’s embrace of “racially divisive ideology.”
  • Philips claims that NCGS adopted a social approach that views members of society “through the lens of characteristics like race, sex, and religion” and labels them as “perpetual oppressors or victims” based on group membership.
  • The professor, who taught at the school for eight years, held three optional programs over the summer where he critiqued critical race theory, as well as a lack of diversity in viewpoints in higher education...

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