Sunday, December 25, 2022

The Most American Christmas Ever - Don Surber

The Most American Christmas Ever - Don Surber
"...But there is no dispute about Heyer’s service to our country. 
He was a farm boy who became one of thousands of patriots who took up arms to force the best army in the world to leave the colonies so that Founding Fathers could set up a government that protected our rights.
On December 25, 1776, Heyer participated in the Most American Christmas Ever when Washington crossed the Delaware River, raided Trenton and caught 1,400 Hessian troops — who fought for the British — napping.
Heyer and the rest of the Yankee troops gathered at the river around 6 p.m. on that Christmas day for what was to be three crossings of the river. 
The plan was to ferry 5,400 troops and equipment but bad weather forced them to cancel the second and third crossings...

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