Wednesday, December 28, 2022

“Where I’ve come out pretty clearly on higher education is that it cannot be reformed from within”

“Where I’ve come out pretty clearly on higher education is that it cannot be reformed from within”
  • “academia is pretty much gone, and now the question is how do we protect society from academia, because it can’t be changed. 
  • The systems are there, the bureaucrats are there, the DEI statement requirements are there, and they are spreading.”
  • So this is very much a fight for national survival...
Here are key excerpts:
"...I think the systemic problems in some ways, at least at the higher ed level, are getting worse
At Cornell, they now require DEI statements from all new hires, faculty hires, and all faculty promotions
So as warped as the ideological outlook is among faculty in universities, it’s going to get worse...
And if you see what’s happening in professional schools, law schools and medical schools and elsewhere, it’s just as bad.
There is a new issue, like I mentioned, the gender ideology...READ ALL!!

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