Monday, January 02, 2023

BIDEN ECONOMY: The DOW Incurs Worst Year Since 2008, NASDAQ Incurs Worst Year Ever - If You Add in Bonds, It's the Worst Year Since 1871!

BIDEN ECONOMY: The DOW Incurs Worst Year Since 2008, NASDAQ Incurs Worst Year Ever - If You Add in Bonds, It's the Worst Year Since 1871!
"The US Stock market under Joe Biden ended 2022 on its worst year since 1871!
…All three major benchmarks suffered their worst year since 2008 based on percentage declines. 
The Dow dropped 8.8% in 2022, while the S&P 500 tumbled 19.4% and the technology-heavy Nasdaq plunged 33.1%...
When considering Stocks and Bonds, it was the worst year since 1871!

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