Tuesday, January 10, 2023

GOP Rep. Perry: 'Pelosi Ran Congress Like a Prison Camp with No Accountability'

GOP Rep. Perry: 'Pelosi Ran Congress Like a Prison Camp with No Accountability'

Representative Scott Perry (R-PA) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) ran Congress “like a prison camp with no accountability.”

Partial transcript as follows:

PERRY: Let me start with this. Frederick Douglas, who knew something about power, said, power concedes nothing without a demand. Never has and never will. This was never about Kevin McCarthy. This is about power for the American people. And with all due respect, Nancy Pelosi ran Congress like a prison camp with no accountability. You know, the American people are very, very tired of this gang of seven, gang of eight, literally seven or eight people, or just a few people in Washington, D.C., running all of the policy for the American people.

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