Saturday, January 14, 2023

Guardian: To Solve the Climate Crisis We Need to Change How We Think about Wealth - Watts Up With That?

Guardian: To Solve the Climate Crisis We Need to Change How We Think about Wealth - Watts Up With That? 
"...We need to leave the age of fossil fuel behind, swiftly and decisively. 
...To change our relationship to the physical world – to end an era of profligate consumption by the few that has consequences for the many – means changing how we think about pretty much everything: wealth, power, joy, time, space, nature, value, what constitutes a good life, what matters, how change itself happens.
...we must renounce abundance and enter an age of austerity. 
It’s all in the telling. 
To consider our age an age of abundance, you have to be counting sheer accumulated stuff and ignoring how it is distributed...

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