Wednesday, January 04, 2023

History for January 4

History for January 4 -
Floyd Patterson 1935 - Heavyweight boxing champion
  • 1884 - The socialist Fabian Society was founded in London.
  • 1948 - Britain granted independence to Burma.
  • 1951 - During the Korean conflict, North Korean and Communist Chinese forces captured the city of Seoul.
  • 1965 - In his State of the Union address, U.S. President Johnson proclaimed the building of the "Great Society."
  • 1999 - A drifting Nicaraguan fishing boat was found by the Norwegian oil tanker Joelm. The fisherman had been lost at sea for 35 days after the engine of their vessel quit working.
  • 1999 - Former professional wrestler Jesse Ventura was sworn in as Minnesota's 37th governor.

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