Tuesday, January 03, 2023

It's a weapon!-----Black high schoolers demand right to use n-word; want white teacher canned for saying it | The College Fix

Black high schoolers demand right to use n-word; want white teacher canned for saying it | The College Fix Reddit Share on Email
  • Black students at a Georgia high school claim they should be able to say the “n-word” if they wish, but want a white teacher sanctioned for using it in a disciplinary context.
"...As for black students, the n-word “has a negative history but [blacks] are using it in a positive light to build their community,” said student Lindsey Davis. Her peer Kadence High agreed, saying “Black people have reclaimed the word and if they want to use the word among themselves and their friends they should be able to.”
However, it’s “not a white people thing,” Davis said...

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