Tuesday, January 31, 2023

No longer what they know, now it's how they look?-----Medical Schools Bail on Academic Merit and Intellectual Rigor - WSJ

Medical Schools Bail on Academic Merit and Intellectual Rigor - WSJ
  • Some refuse to be ranked by U.S. News, which weighs test scores and grades rather than diversity.
"To see how the diversity, equity and inclusion mania is colliding with meritocracy in American higher education, pay attention to the flap over graduate schools pulling out of the U.S. News rankings...
So far, U.S. News has resisted demands from the graduate schools to base the rankings on equity rather than on the grades and test scores of incoming students...
The dean of Stanford Medical School, Lloyd Minor, made a similar claim, announcing that instead of participating in the U.S. News rankings, the school would start issuing its own data “emphasizing diversity, equity, and inclusion.”...

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