Monday, January 09, 2023

Our Parasitic Generation - By Victor Davis Hanson

Our Parasitic Generation By Victor Davis Hanson
  • We are $31 trillion in collective debt
  • The new normal is $1.5 trillion budget deficits. 
  • The military is politicized and short of recruits. 
  • We trade lethal terrorists for woke celebrity athletes as if to confirm our enemies’ cynical stereotypes.
  • Our FBI is corrupt and discredited, collaborating with Silicon Valley contractors to suppress free speech and warp elections. 
  • We practice segregation and racial discrimination and claim we do not because the right and good people support it and, anyway, the victims deserve it. 
  • The country has seen defeat before but never abject, deliberate humiliation as in Kabul, when we fled and abandoned to the terrorist Taliban a $1 billion embassy, a huge, remodeled air base, thousands of friends, and tens of billions of dollars in military hardware—and hard-earned deterrence.
  • We are witnessing the breakdown of basic norms essential for civilized life, from affordable food and fuel to available key antibiotics and baby formula...

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