Thursday, January 12, 2023

The 'Electrification' Of Our Economy Is The Latest Eco-Scam - Climate Change Dispatch

The 'Electrification' Of Our Economy Is The Latest Eco-Scam - Climate Change Dispatch
"...Beege wrote a must-read post on this yesterday. Must. Read.
"Now I have no problem, in principle, with reducing the carbon footprint of the economy, as long as it can be done with inexpensive, abundant, and reliable power sources that perform the job as well or better than fossil fuels...
...The activists pushing for uber-electrification (I won’t call them climate alarmists, because I suspect many of them aren’t actually alarmed, but playacting for effect) absolutely know that our current and near-future electrical generation and transmission cannot conceivably produce enough power to keep our economy going.

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