Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Weaponizing!-----World News Round-up: Modern Day Stasi Tactics

World News Round-up: Modern Day Stasi Tactics - Robert W Malone MD, MS
  • Weaponizing COVID-19 tracking tech for other purposes
"For four decades, East Germany held complete power over almost all aspects of life for people in East Germany. 
They maintained this domination by use of a secret police force named the Stasi.
The Stasi were one of the most successful intelligence services in history: they kept almost unimaginably detailed files and records on large quantities of the population, and created an atmosphere of fear and unease that they then proceeded to exploit. 
They created a vast network of unofficial informants to spy on the populace.
  • ...As had been feared, it now turns out that governments are using the COVID-19 tech to follow, track down, investigate and arrest people for reasons that have nothing to do with COVID...

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