Sunday, January 29, 2023

Why is their "conversation" always a lecture on how horrible WE are?-----White people need to ‘work’ on their ‘whiteness’: sociologist

White people need to ‘work’ on their ‘whiteness’: sociologist - MATT LAMB
  • White people need to acknowledge their faults and fix their “whiteness,” according to an Oregon sociologist.
"Professor Emily Drew will host a “conversation” in February “for white people to reflect together on what it means to ‘do our work’ as white people,” according to an announcement...
Participants will be asked to consider the following questions:
  • How can we who are white show up as more effective and less damaging participants in struggles to interrupt racism in our community? 
  • How can white people engage in efforts to dismantle racism in ways that do not reproduce or place unfair burdens upon people of color to be our teachers?...

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