Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Report: Some lab-grown meat pushed by WEF and Bill Gates as a remedy for climate change is made of 'immortalized' cancer cells - TheBlaze
EPA allows East Palestine contaminated shipments to resume after surprise hazardous deliveries sent to Michigan and Texas - TheBlaze
THIS is the democrat's plan!-----America's Largest Power Grid Faces Worsening Reliability Risks | ZeroHedge
- shuttering power generation units faster than new supply can be brought online,
- threatening electric reliability in 13 states that stretch from Illinois to New Jersey with over 65 million customers.
- The report warned: "For the first time in recent history, PJM could face decreasing reserve margins should these trends continue."...
Republicans erupt after Energy Dept reportedly says COVID-19 likely came from Chinese lab: 'We need answers' | Fox News
The Solution to Ballot Fraud - American Thinker
- The irresistible force is mail-in ballots, nonexistent signature verification, phantom voter rolls, a feckless Republican Party, Republican governors donating tax money to a George Soros–funded entity to clean voter rolls — election commissions changing ZIP codes so mail-in ballots stack up — courts refusing to remove dead people from voter rolls unless they miss two consecutive elections, and a Republican presidential candidate who thinks he can win with ballot-harvesting.
In 2000, the national realization was that election fraud is industrial-scale, committed by election commissions or with their acquiescence.
- The 2020 realization is that voter integrity teams cannot remove phantoms from voter rolls — even with death certificates...
Lunch video-----Icing A Climate Scare
11-year-old confronts school board by reading aloud from 'smut' he found at his middle school library - TheBlaze
Medicaid families most at risk!-----State Battlegrounds Ignite to Fight Mandates After CDC Adds Covid Shot to Recommended Schedule
- With no real evidence that it helps the majority of kids, after delaying the public admittance that the shot can cause myocarditis, and continually pushing ahead with consecutive shots without real data and poor safety studies, the CDC did what they always do after a bad scientific decision – they doubled down.
Challenging Net Zero with Science
- Net Zero Plans Are Dangerous and Unsupported by Science and the Scientific Method
- Net Zero initiatives of governments and private organizations are scientifically invalid and will lead to worldwide impoverishment and starvation if implemented, according to a paper published by the CO2 Coalition.
- The 46-page paper details how the objectives of Net Zero to eliminate the use of fossil fuels and the emissions of greenhouse gases are based on analytical methods that violate fundamental tenets of the scientific method...
The paper says Net Zero regulations and actions are scientifically invalid because they:
- Fabricate data or omit data that contradict their conclusions...
- Rely on computer models that do not work...
- Rely on findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that are government opinions, not science...MUCH MORE at link!
Left proves Dilbert's point - Don Surber
- Quinn wrote, “Adams said Black people are a hate group, citing a recent Rasmussen survey which, he said, shows nearly half of all Black people do not agree with the phrase ‘It’s okay to be white.’”
- The poll actually said 53% agree, 26% disagree and 21% were not sure...
- Segregation is making a comeback, long after America achieved racial equality, thanks to race hustlers like Al Sharpton, Joy Reid and Barack “If I Had A Son He’d Look Like Trayvon” Obama.
- Harvard’s hometown is a leader in advocating the separation of races. The city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, published on August 9, 2018, “Why People of Color Need Spaces Without White People,” written by Kelsey Blackwell. She said:
Daily cannabis use increases risk of heart disease, U.S. study finds | The Seattle Times
- ...The results released Friday showed daily cannabis users were 34% more likely to have coronary artery disease, the most common form of heart disease, compared to those who never used the drug...
Woody Harrelson's 'Saturday Night Live' COVID monologue riles elites; Musk calls it 'based' - TheBlaze
WSJ: Boycotting Medical Schools, Diversity, And Merit
Such claims aren’t supported by evidence.
- ...Even a casual reader of the news knows perfectly well that increasing diversity means exactly that—admitting students with lower scores...
- If all these students had equally high scores, and schools could promote racial diversity without lowering standards, we wouldn’t be having this debate, right?
History for February 28
- 1849 - Regular steamboat service to California via Cape Horn arrived in San Francisco for the first time. The SS California had left New York Harbor on October 6, 1848. The trip took 4 months and 21 days.
- 1854 - The Republican Party was organized in Ripon, WI. About 50 slavery opponents began the new political group.
- 1885 - AT&T (American Telephone and Telegraph) was incorporated. The company was capitalized on only $100,000 and provided long distance service for American Bell.
- 1940 - The first televised basketball game was shown. The game featured Fordham University and the University of Pittsburgh from Madison Square Gardens in New York.
- 1953 - In a Cambridge University laboratory, scientists James D. Watson and Francis H.C. Crick discovered the double-helix structure of DNA.
- 1979 - Mr. Ed, the talking horse from the TV show "Mr. Ed", died.
- 1993 - U.S. Federal agents raided the compound of an armed religious cult in Waco, TX. The ATF had planned to arrest the leader of the Branch Davidians, David Koresh, on federal firearms charges. Four agents and EIGHTY SIX, including CHILDREN Davidians were killed and a 51-day standoff followed.
Monday, February 27, 2023
Erin Brockovich slams Biden administration on East Palestine - TheBlaze
WSJ Report: Lab Leak Most Likely Source of Global Coronavirus Pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic most likely began with a laboratory leak, a U.S. Energy Department classified intelligence report now before the White House and key Congress members sets out.
The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday the Energy Department’s revised assessment of the pandemic’s origins is based on fresh intelligence noted in an update to a 2021 document by Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines’s office.
Facts are stubborn things
- claims that climate change was causing the Great Lakes to fall and would continue to,
- until it caused them to rise and would continue to, and
"Because a Pangolin Kissed a Turtle" - Robert W Malone MD, MS
- The lab leak cover-up just got even more twisted
- Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic, Energy Department Now Says
"OK - so the Department of Energy has joined the FBI in determining that the virus was a lab escape.
“The U.S. Energy Department has concluded that the COVID pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak, according to a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress.
The shift by the Energy Department, which previously was undecided on how the virus emerged, is noted in an update to a 2021 document by Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines’s office...
DeSantis Proposes Human Smuggling Crackdown, Mandatory E-Verify, Ban on Driver's Licenses for Illegal Aliens
"No End In Sight"
Blowing Holes in Seymour Hersh's Pipe Dream
In this post I do not take any stance on any of Seymour Hersh’s past articles or viewpoints, be they his Pulitzer Prize story in the 1970s and his recent work.
- This post will solely focus on the claims made in the recent Substack post...
Now That Tucker Has It, Media Are Interested in the Full Jan. 6 Video
Important read!-----Childish (CULTISH) Beliefs Drive Energy and Agricultural Agendas
They apparently believe declaring ecological emergencies, repeating clever mantras, and issuing proclamations and mandates will create a fossil-fuel-free, organic farming utopia. In their dreams.
- Since 1950, American farmers increased per-acre corn yields by an incredible 500% – and other crop yields by smaller but still amazing amounts, while using less land, water, fuel, fertilizers and pesticides. Their exports helped slash global hunger and malnutrition...
- Long-lasting herbicides control weeds that would otherwise steal moisture and nutrients from crops, while enabling farmers to utilize no-till farming that avoids breaking up soils, reduces erosion, further retains soil moisture and preserves vital soil organisms...
“The drug cartels are putting fentanyl in all of their illicit drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, and fake pills, which they disguise to look legitimate, like pharmaceutical pills.
- It is trickery.
- It is deception.
- It is death.”...
Tucker Carlson: The Deep State Removed Nixon, The Most Popular President Ever, To Cover Up CIA's Murder Of JFK | Video | RealClearPolitics
"...In fact, if any president could claim to be the people's choice, it was Richard Nixon.
- Nixon got 17 million more votes than his opponent.
- Less than two years later, he was gone.
How did that happen?
Texas university system pauses DEI policies after 'tremendous attention nationally' - TheBlaze News Forum - 'This is NOT this child's fault. He is NOT a threat': Mental health advocate...
'This is NOT this child's fault. He is
NOT a threat': Mental health advocate
launches defense of 6'6" thug, 17, who
had to be dragged off unconscious female
teaching aide who he knocked out for confiscating his Nintendo Switch - Daily Mail (UK), by Alyssa Guzman
Original Article - Posted By: ladydawgfan, 2/25/2023 11:14:37 PM
"A mental health advocate has launched a furious defense for the 6'6" boy, 17, who attacked and knocked a teaching aide unconscious after she took his Nintendo Switch away from him. Sue Urban - whose 17-year-old son Nicholas graduated from Matanzas High School before taking his own life - has responded to the incident where a 17-year-old special needs student, who weighs 270 pounds, attacked his teaching aide on Tuesday. Neither the student nor the teaching aide's names have been released publicly. 'This is not this child's fault. He is not a threat,' Urban said in an emotionally Facebook Live. 'This is a mental health issue." - Must read comments at original!!
History for February 27
- 1801 - The city of Washington, DC, was placed under congressional jurisdiction.
- 1827 - New Orleans held its first Mardi Gras celebration.
- 1933 - The Reichstag, Germany's parliament building in Berlin, was set afire. The Nazis accused Communist for the fire.
- 1951 - The 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, limiting U.S. Presidents to two terms.
- 1974 - "People" magazine was first issued by Time-Life (later known as Time-Warner).
- 1981 - Chrysler Corporation was granted an additional $400 million in federal loan guarantees. Chrysler had posted a loss of $1.7 billion in 1980.
Sunday, February 26, 2023
Watch: Reporter Has to Finish Sentence for Biden as He Speaks Complete Nonsense
It's all bullsh*t.
Media covers for another brain-damaged democrat-----Shock Report: Sen. Fetterman Was Hospitalized Because He Was Unable to Take Care of Himself | The Gateway Pundit
They're not backing down!-----Biden Admin Proposes to Block Half of Current Gas Range Models
- ...If the new regulation is finalized, only half of gas cooking tops will be able to meet the new standard, i.e., half of the products currently on the market will be blocked.
- ...Only 4 percent of the gas cooking tops in 2027 could meet the EL 2 standard if the new standard was not implemented, according to DOE’s projection in the previous analysis...
Task force seizures of fentanyl spike in Montana - TheBlaze
How Covid Paves the Way for Full Climate Emergency Restrictions
- ..To Murano, the world changed in March 2020 when democracy was brushed aside in the interest of tackling the Covid pandemic.
'This is about the rule of law and about justice': Missouri AG makes good on ultimatum, moves to fire Soros prosecutor Kim Gardner - TheBlaze
The Daily Chart: What a Baby Bust Looks Like | Power Line
- Want to know what a “baby bust” looks like?
- It looks like this in the United States, with a sharp divide between the Baby Boomers and what came after...
The National Divorce has begun - Don Surber
- MTG — Marjorie Taylor Greene — is taking some heat for proposing a national divorce. She divorced three days before Christmas after 27 years of marriage. Her tweets on dividing the nation into red and blue have riled up the left, which is always riled up about something. They live to be displeased.
“There is a failure for many to realize Americans are giving up because they are sick of the talking heads that just complain about all the problems and politicians that never fix anything, while the right just keeps taking the beatings and abuse from the left.
“Yes, the red California that gave us Reagan is gone and that was another time long ago.
Detransitioner Chloe Cole announces lawsuit against hospitals 'for pushing her into medical mutilation' | Fox News
WTF?!!-----A Georgia Grand Juror Dropped a Damaging Revelation About the 2020 Investigation
History for February 26
- 1907 - The U.S. Congress raised their own pay to $7500.
- 1919 - In Arizona, the Grand Canyon was established as a National Park with an act of the U.S. Congress.
- 1930 - New York City installed traffic lights.
- 1986 - Corazon Aquino was inaugurated president of the Philippines. Long time President Ferdinand Marcos went into exile.
- 1993 - Six people were killed and more than a thousand injured when a van exploded in the parking garage beneath the World Trade Center in New York City. The bomb had been built by Islamic extremists.
- 1998 - In Oregon, a health panel rules that taxpayers must help to pay for doctor-assisted suicides.
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Trail of Funding for AI 'Machine Learning Fairness' Leads to Leftist Billionaires Omidyar, Hoffman, Soros
The numbers on child Covid vaccines just don't add up
Rachel Levine is Now One of Chelsea Clinton’s ‘Inspirational Women.’
HE’S NOT THE BABYLON BEE’S MAN OF THE YEAR FOR NOTHING, YOU KNOW: Rachel Levine is Now One of Chelsea Clinton’s ‘Inspirational Women.’
Yet libs never show this level of outrage when a "white" person is attacked/killed by a member of their "protected" groups.-----Dilbert creator Scott Adams is the latest to be canceled - American Thinker
"...USAToday announced that it would stop publishing Adams's "Dilbert" cartoon..
Cleveland's Plain Dealer newspaper also decided not to publish any of Adams's cartoons.

John Hiner of MLive Media in Michigan wrote in an editorial, "We will work quickly to find a replacement that will entertain you and not violate basic standards of decency and respect for others."...
- What did Scott Adams do to merit cancelation?

He also said the following:
He then cited CNN anchor Don Lemon to claim that there's a "correlation" between a "mostly Black" neighborhood and "a bunch of problems he didn't see" in majority-white areas.Based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people.
Wherever you have to go, just get away. Because there's no fixing this. This can't be fixed, right. This can't be fixed. You just have to escape.
He went on to say that he moved to an area with a "very low black population."
Adams also said that he was going to stop helping black America because it doesn't seem to pay off.
It makes no sense to help black Americans if you're white.
- He added that videos of black people beating white people had convinced him that whites should not help black people and whites should not live in communities with a large percentage of black people.
For the left, this was a dream come true...
Rancher Charged with Killing Illegal Immigrant Released on Bond After Christian Website Steps Up
New Mexico Climate Refugees
Three Huge Reasons Why Electric Vehicles Will Never Dominate American Roads
- Here’s the most important fact about plug-in electric vehicles (EV), courtesy of the liberal content-creators at Wikipedia in the opening sentence of their post on “Government Incentives for Plug-in Electric Vehicles:”
The campaign by the Western elite in the U.S. and Europe to force everybody else to stop driving cars and trucks powered by fossil-fueled internal combustion engines and adopt EVs instead is a product of the elite’s policy choices, not ours...
'An affront to democratic process': Chicago's Democrat mayor Lori Lightfoot tells voters who won't support her not to vote at all - TheBlaze
"A homily on the fall of Western civilization": Read this Chick-fil-A's letter to parents explaining why unsupervised kids under 16 are no longer allowed | Not the Bee
"Overall, it is not hard to train kids how to behave, how to have good manners, and how to be respectable citizens in public.
So the fact that this kind of letter is even necessary is super embarrassing for this community:
Or you can let civilization collapse. Your choice.