Sunday, February 19, 2023

A worthy observation!-----There will always be that element of society who looks longingly upon the results produced by others without the willingness to acknowledge the hard w... | Facebook

Not The Best Of The Web Today | There will always be that element of society who looks longingly upon the results produced by others without the willingness to acknowledge the hard w... | Facebook - Terry Collins
"...Who wish to be given without giving themselves.
  • Who look outward at every common obstacle in life as being unique to them and evidence of a collective effort to block their success rather than looking inward and asking themselves what they could have done more of, less of, or instead of in order to achieve that success.
  • Who focus only on exploiting the resources produced by others and ignoring the possibility of utilizing those resources to contribute more themselves.
  • Who expect the world to adapt to them in such a way that they will be assigned a reward rather than making the necessary changes in themselves that will lead to their earning of that reward.
  • Who will be unable or unwilling to distinguish between the concepts of want and need, of deserve and earn, of take and share...
And, sadly, there will always be that element of society who feels the drive to prop those people up and allow them to receive the compensation of effort without the actuality of effort.
When we as a common society have lost sight of the notions of risk=return and effort=reward, and have replaced them with the concepts of want=merit and entitlement=benefit... we have begun a slow but steady spiral down to our own undoing.
Because when too many are looking for a handout, we will soon discover that every hand is empty."

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