Saturday, February 11, 2023

A worthy read to educate AND celebrate a great man (who is slandered by the left!)----- Lincoln freed the slaves - Your Daily Don Surber

Lincoln freed the slaves - Your Daily Don Surber
"Sunday marks the 214th birthday of Abraham Lincoln
For the first 69 years of my life, I never thought the four words in my headline — Lincoln freed the slaves — would cause a stir, but here we are.
  • Liberals and some born-and-bred Southerners will not accept that as a fact.
  • It also allows liberals to pretend that the civil war was just between the whites, which allowed those crafty slaves to free themselves.
  • Why do you think Biden made Juneteenth a federal holiday? 
  • This promotes the self-liberation lie that allows for a perpetual victimhood, which liberals will exploit to promote the Maoism that will — if not stopped — enslave us all.
Let’s look at the facts...

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