Saturday, February 11, 2023

Anesthesia the next target in climate battle: Docs suggest reducing anesthesia

Anesthesia the next target in climate battle: Docs suggest reducing anesthesia
Watts Up With That? - The world's most viewed site on global warming and climate change
  • Ban on anesthesia next?! Doc suggests ‘lowering the flow of anesthetic gas’ in patients to save planet – 1 hour of surgical anesthesia equivalent to driving as many as 470 miles
From Climate Depot
Anesthesia the next target in climate battle: Docs suggest reducing anesthesia: Would you suffer to combat climate change?
NY Post: Experts are now recommending that doctors reduce their use of certain kinds of anesthesia in order to combat the effects of climate change. 
Dr. Mohamed Fayed, a senior anesthetist at Detroit’s Henry Ford Health, made the suggestion...

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