Friday, February 17, 2023

Bombshells, Landmines, and Nemesis - Victor Davis Hanson

Bombshells, Landmines, and Nemesis - Victor Davis Hanson
  • Ironically Joe Biden, the media, and the old House majority have provided Republicans the same tools to discover the truth that the Left had once used to destroy it.
For much of 2017 through 2021, Americans suffered the 
  • “bombshell” and “walls are closing” mythologies first of Russian collusion
  • then of supposedly vast Russian social media investments to sabotage the election.
  • From there we moved on to the Alfa Bank ping-pong fable, 
  • the supposed Putin bounties on U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan that Trump was said to have ignored and, of course, 
  • the idea that Hunter’s laptop was just “Russian disinformation.”
These were journalistic sins of commission, warping the news cycle to advance ideological agendas and win elections. 
There emerged, however, other real landmines of omission—things the media deliberately ignores, but have the potential to go off and blow up a presidency.
  • Taxes Paid (or not paid) by Mr. 10 Percent (BigGuy)...

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