Thursday, February 09, 2023

But keep the MONEY flowing... to us!-----Should We Start Preparing for the Evacuation of Miami?

Should We Start Preparing for the Evacuation of Miami?
  • Daniel Aldana Cohen argues that planning the withdrawal from Miami would force other places to get serious about hosting climate migrants,
  • while Samantha Schuyler says Miami can still become a model of adaptation.
"Yes-The Miami-Dade County government has some clever mapping tools to help people visualize the impending climate risks—rising seas, swelling groundwater, flooded buildings. 
But too much detail can distract from the bigger picture: Miami is drowning.
In 2020, a report from the (SUPER LIBERAL) climate think tank Resources for the Future declared Miami the most vulnerable major coastal city in the world.
Of course, the city’s future is uncertainwe don’t know quite how much sea-level rise we can still prevent or how well we’ll adapt in place...

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