Thursday, February 16, 2023

Claim: Plastic Coffee Cup Ban Might Increase Methane Emissions | Watts Up With That?

Claim: Plastic Coffee Cup Ban Might Increase Methane Emissions | Watts Up With That? -Essay by Eric Worrall
"Should coffee just be banned?
Having fought hard to ban plastic coffee cups, Aussie greens have realised solving plastic pollution with compostable cups might increase greenhouse gas emissions.

Why there’s concern this state’s ban on plastic takeaway coffee cups could have unintended consequences...

  • Western Australia’s takeaway coffee cup ban comes into effect from 27 February.
  • An estimated 1.84 billion single-use cups are used by Australians every year.
  • Compostable coffee cups can still be sold but advocates say the infrastructure to properly process these cups is not accessible.
Western Australia is set to ban certain cups normally used for takeaway coffee as part of ongoing efforts to stamp out single-use plastic..

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