Monday, March 06, 2023

A shocking 77% of Americans age 17–24 aren't physically fit for military service,

A shocking 77% of Americans age 17–24 aren't physically fit for military service,
"This is the type of thing that makes me think we're gonna lose a major war.
  • A recent Department of Defense report revealed some deeply concerning news: an almost unbelievable 77% of all Americans age 17 to 24 lack the required level of physical fitness to enlist in the U.S. military...
The government has previously declared obesity a national security threat, and approximately $60 million is spent by the U.S. each year on the re-enlistment of those who were previously discharged due to the issue.
  • As of 2020, a full 42% of Americans now fall within the range of "obese" or "severely obese" – a figure experts partially blame on government food assistance, as those who collect food stamps are at a much higher risk of obesity due to their consumption of unhealthy foods...

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