Sunday, March 19, 2023

Countdown To New York’s Rendezvous With Energy Impossibility

Countdown To New York’s Rendezvous With Energy Impossibility - Francis Menton 
  • The race is on to see who hits the green energy wall of impossibility first. California, Germany and the UK (the “Poseurs”) might seem to have leapt early into the lead positions. 
  • But New York is now making a strong sprint to catch and surpass them, so it can be the first to splatter its citizens’ flesh and blood all over the impenetrable barricade.
The Poseurs accumulate vast green progressive virtue credits for ridiculous promises, but their promises all have dates so far in the future that today’s politicians will be long gone when the crash detonates...
  • New York City’s bid to create the first real test of an impossible green energy deadline is found in its Climate Mobilization Act of 2019...imposes energy efficiency standards on large residential buildings starting in 2024 — next year. Buildings that fail to meet the standards are subject to large and accelerating fines starting right away.
...The New York Times had a big front page article on Monday about the maneuvers of one large building to try to comply with the law. 
...The Grand Tier...a large (280 apartments), newish (built 2005), and very high-priced building...the only apartment listed at the moment on the Streeteasy website is a one bedroom for $5895 per month...

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